Friday, August 16, 2019

Foreign Language and English Essay

Nowadays, almost six thousands languages are spoken in different countries. And unfortunately, half of them are in danger of defunctness. Certainly, the disappearance of a language can be attributed to the system of communication. However, one can say that it is a loss of culture and expression of human experience. According to Baldwin (2006) â€Å"foreign language is a language not spoken by the people of a certain place. † For instance, Italian is a foreign language in India. Hence, Italian language is a foreign language for Indians. In this regard, an Indian is not supposed to communicate in French. (Baldwin, 2006) Form the birth of this world and human civilization, for both an individual and a society acquisition of any foreign language has been the subject of ardent debate in most of the countries. In this context, anthropologists and psychologists have been researched on 2nd language learning. In this regard, Hakuta and Bialystok have researched a lot according to them it is very difficult task for a native to speak foreign language. (Hakuta and Bialystok, 1994) Good and Bad Aspects of Foreign Language However, according to Piron (n. d) because of different economies, diverse social societies, cultural differences, linguistic and implications in education have become a set of problems for an individual. Hence, as a matter of fact, when something is complex, the natural tendency is to simplify. Consequently, nowadays every society has an enormously simplified image of the linguistic situation. Piron also believes, yet for a big part of mankind there is no language problems with regard to understand. Obviously, one can solve his or her problem by hiring a translator. On the other hand, still some people living in diverse societies such as the US facing language problems every now and then. (Piron, n. d. ) For instance, a worker working in America can face language problems frequently when communicating with their customers or boss. Or a manager of a firm may face financial loss due to the fact that he or she cannot understand opponent’s reason of conflict. Interestingly, according to Piron (n. d. ) such people â€Å"do not feel victims of an absurd and unfair system, they feel guilty, they feel they should have mastered the other language. † (Piron, n. d. ) He further argued that as written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every individual has a right to communicate in his own language. (Piron, n. d. ) Is America Loosing Its Language? According to Baldwin (2006) a researcher in this area, before the arrival of European, around three hundred Native American languages were spoken in the US. And now some of them are not exist is anywhere in the US society. In addition, most of the spoken languages are disappearing fast. He further believes that â€Å"America has lost its identity and is fast losing its language. (Baldwin, 2006) Another researcher in this area Feder (2006) also believes that â€Å"ordinary Americans look at a nation that’s losing its language and identity†. (Feder, 2006) Foreign Language and Its Effects on Children As far as learning foreign language is concerned it is very difficult task for children to learn it quickly. However, according to Fertig (2007) naturally, some children have abilities to understand quickly other languages from birth. In this regard, children who speak two languages fluently are called bilingual. Interestingly, children who speak two languages fluently can be said to have 2 mother tongues. In this context according to Fertig (2007) â€Å"neither children is foreign to that child, if in one language is a foreign language for the vast majority of people in the child’s birth country†. (Fertig, 2007) For instance, a child learning Spanish from his Spanish mother and French at school in France can communicate fluently in both Spanish and French, interestingly, neither is a foreign language to him or her. (Fertig, 2007) Following are some of the major advantages of foreign language for children: o Firstly, as a matter of fact, for children study in foreign language plays a catalyst role with regard of psychological and cognitive growth and development. o Secondly, confronting with 2 languages at an early age generally assists children to be more innovative. o Thirdly, many researchers in this area have disclosed the facts that foreign languages positively effects on skills such as writing, speaking and listening, and most importantly when interacting with two foreign languages it expands individual’s memory. However, in some parts of the US, because of highly marked diverse societies, schools’ administrations are constrained to adopt tow primary languages for education according to community and majority. This thing has both good and bad effects on children’s education. A child who is not bilingual by birth may confront several problems when taught in other language. Conclusion From the outset of this world, human have adopted and dispersed several languages. As a student as discussed above, studying in foreign language has both pros and cons. However, the world has become a global village and hence it would be better to say that every individual if wants success in this world must have savvy of other languages, such as English, French, Spanish and so forth. References Baldwin P. C. (2006). The Sorriest Generation: America Has Lost Its Identity And Is Fast Losing Its Language. Retrieved, October 24, 2007, from http://pieganinstitute. org/preservinglanguages. pdf Fertig C. (2007). Language Immersion Programs for the Gifted: Foreign Language, Parents and Educators, Gifted and Talented Children, Gifted Education, Parenting Gifted Children, College Planning. Retrieved, October 24, 2007, from http://resources. prufrock. com/tabid/57/articleType/CategoryView/categoryId/21/Foreign-Language. aspx Feder D. (2006). A Pathway to Citizenship — and Political Extinction. Retrieved, October 24, 2007, from http://www. frontpagemag. com/Articles/Read. aspx? GUID=9B4F0AA7-6059-4771-A906-0B42C8E7C5C9 Hakuta K and Bialystok E. (1994). In Other Words: The Science and Psychology of Second-Language Acquisition. New York: Basic Books. Piron C. (n. d. ). Psychological Aspects Of The Language Problem: Presence or absence of language handicap. Retrieved, October 24, 2007, from http://www. geocities. com/c_piron/1. html

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